NHC Motions published in Tharunka



NHC Motions published in Tharunka


List of motions published by NHC, here reported in the University of New South Wales Student Paper Tharunka


Terry Batterham and Tony Wheeler


Tharunka (Kensington, NSW)




17 Sep., 1975


[Text in Image]
National Homosexual Conference
The first National Homosexual Conference was held in Melbourne on the 16th and 17th of August. The Conference was attended by six hundred lesbians and homosexual men.
The Conference was held so that homosexuals from all over Australia could come together to present papers on our oppression, relation to the women's movement and a discussion of the homosexual movement past, present and future. Workshops were held on such areas as gay culture, lesbian mothers, homosexuals at work (in particular homosexuals teachers and public servants), sexual objectification, homosexuals and the left, law and prisons and lesbian separatism.
Lesbians at the Conference decided to start a separate movement since they felt that in some ways the problems for lesbians were different to those faced by male homosexuals. Through this movement they hope to create an identity for lesbians; however it appears that his does not mean that they will not work with homosexual men in future campaigns.
The motions that were carried by the Conference members are:
1. That this Conference submit copies of all the papers presented as a submission to the Royal Commission on Human Relationships. (Submitted by Lex Watson on behalf of the Law Workshop.)
2. That this Conference, representing homosexual men and lesbian women from all parts of Australia, demands of the Australian and State Governments that they declare their oppositon to all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation; and that this be communicated to the Prime Minister, Premieres and State and Federal leaders of the Opposition by telegram; and further that the media be so informed. (Submitted by Denis Altman.)
3. That homosexual groups agree to (a) keep each other informed of current issues; (b) co-operate together everywhere possible; (c) deal with disagreements among ourselves (Submitted by Lee J. Carlton.)
4. That a monthly information sheet be put out to inform homosexuals of what homosexual groups are doing. (Submitted by Leon Prollius.)
5. The in view of the extreme persecution that homosexuals have suffered under the military junta in Chile, this Conference calls on all homosexual women and men in Australia to stand in solidarity with the Chilean sisters and brothers by participating in the protests to be held on the anniversary of the Pinochet coup on 11 September and that this Conference demands that the organisers publicise the situation of homosexuals in Chile. (Submited by Angelo Rosas.)
6. That another National Homosexual Conference be held next year. (Submitted by the Homosexuals and Left workshop.)
7. This Conference calls for a national mobilisation in solidarity to commemorate the murder of Dr George Duncan sometime around May 12 197 . (Submitted by Richard Wilson.)
8. That this Conference acknowledges the right of lesbian mothers and homosexual fathers to bring up their children without interference from the state. (Submitted by Jan Chapman.)
9. That this Conference believes that homosexual groups can provide a healthy and normal atmosphere in which to rear children and should be allowed to adopt children, and that this be communicated to the appropriate authorities. (Submitted by Jan Chapman.)
10. That the next Conference will consider the question of Religion and Homosexuality (Submitted by Joe Tokoara.)
11. That a telegram be sent to the Homosexual Conference in Sheffield, England, being held this weekend, to offer our support and Solidarity.
12. That this Conference pledges support and solidarity to the oppressed Mexican women. (Submitted by Laruie Bebbington.)
Motion 10: This motion was put by the Christian Homosexuals who thought this area wasn't adequately discussed at this Conference.
Motion 12: This motion was put by Laurie Bebbington who witnessed the oppression suffered by Mexican women when at the Alternate International Women's Conference held in Mexico earlier this year.
Terry Batterham
Tony Wheeler.
[Text in Image]
National Homosexual Conference
The first National Homosexual Conference was held in Melbourne on the 16th and 17th of August. The Conference was attended by six hundred lesbians and homosexual men.
The Conference was held so that homosexuals from all over Australia could come together to present papers on our oppression, relation to the women's movement and a discussion of the homosexual movement past, present and future. Workshops were held on such areas as gay culture, lesbian mothers, homosexuals at work (in particular homosexuals teachers and public servants), sexual objectification, homosexuals and the left, law and prisons and lesbian separatism.
Lesbians at the Conference decided to start a separate movement since they felt that in some ways the problems for lesbians were different to those faced by male homosexuals. Through this movement they hope to create an identity for lesbians; however it appears that his does not mean that they will not work with homosexual men in future campaigns.
The motions that were carried by the Conference members are:
1. That this Conference submit copies of all the papers presented as a submission to the Royal Commission on Human Relationships. (Submitted by Lex Watson on behalf of the Law Workshop.)
2. That this Conference, representing homosexual men and lesbian women from all parts of Australia, demands of the Australian and State Governments that they declare their oppositon to all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation; and that this be communicated to the Prime Minister, Premieres and State and Federal leaders of the Opposition by telegram; and further that the media be so informed. (Submitted by Denis Altman.)
3. That homosexual groups agree to (a) keep each other informed of current issues; (b) co-operate together everywhere possible; (c) deal with disagreements among ourselves (Submitted by Lee J. Carlton.)
4. That a monthly information sheet be put out to inform homosexuals of what homosexual groups are doing. (Submitted by Leon Prollius.)
5. The in view of the extreme persecution that homosexuals have suffered under the military junta in Chile, this Conference calls on all homosexual women and men in Australia to stand in solidarity with the Chilean sisters and brothers by participating in the protests to be held on the anniversary of the Pinochet coup on 11 September and that this Conference demands that the organisers publicise the situation of homosexuals in Chile. (Submited by Angelo Rosas.)
6. That another National Homosexual Conference be held next year. (Submitted by the Homosexuals and Left workshop.)
7. This Conference calls for a national mobilisation in solidarity to commemorate the murder of Dr George Duncan sometime around May 12 197 . (Submitted by Richard Wilson.)
8. That this Conference acknowledges the right of lesbian mothers and homosexual fathers to bring up their children without interference from the state. (Submitted by Jan Chapman.)
9. That this Conference believes that homosexual groups can provide a healthy and normal atmosphere in which to rear children and should be allowed to adopt children, and that this be communicated to the appropriate authorities. (Submitted by Jan Chapman.)
10. That the next Conference will consider the question of Religion and Homosexuality (Submitted by Joe Tokoara.)
11. That a telegram be sent to the Homosexual Conference in Sheffield, England, being held this weekend, to offer our support and Solidarity.
12. That this Conference pledges support and solidarity to the oppressed Mexican women. (Submitted by Laruie Bebbington.)
Motion 10: This motion was put by the Christian Homosexuals who thought this area wasn't adequately discussed at this Conference.
Motion 12: This motion was put by Laurie Bebbington who witnessed the oppression suffered by Mexican women when at the Alternate International Women's Conference held in Mexico earlier this year.
Terry Batterham
Tony Wheeler.

